We had our annual kada get together last week. Actually it was a getaway of some sort because for the first time we went out of town for it ;) We (actually Mhina) tried to make this happen last December by starting to organize it as early as October but alas, everyone already had a booked December calendar.
I am just so happy to see these girls again. We only see each other once a year & we are almost never complete ;( Shoutout to MK & Marjo!!!!
January 7 started early. Meeting place was at Starbucks 6750 and meeting time was 8:00 – 8:30 am. I thought about it and said to myself, I know my friends I’m sure they won’t be on time haha ;) The early bird in me won & I arrived at 8: 30 and found Mhina & EJ there already. I expected EJ to be there but Mhina?! Cool! Next was Girlie, then Edz… We put our stuff in Techie & Jan2 car so we wouldn’t have to bring it with us on the shuttle. Where was Vida you may ask? As expected, she would meet us at EK already… hehe ;)
Who said we went to EK for the rides would be laughing at us coz we took more pictures to last a whole year! Maybe compensating for not seeing each other as often? All in all we only got to ride, the following rides: Up, up & Away, Flying Fiesta, Rio Grande Rapids & the Wheel of Fate! So much for making the most of an amusement park! Hehe ;) Well, the fireworks made up for it & the priceless faces of my friends while on the wheel of fate… (They would remain nameless!) hehe ;)
After the EK pictorial we went home & started with the gift giving & whole lot of laughter & kwentos… You guessed it…. More pictures!!!! hahaha ;)
This was a memorable overnight because for the first time, we all gave up early… Tired from all the poses & walking. I love my friends, I really hope we continue this tradition until we grow old & gray. Although I would prefer to have more meet ups during the year not just during the holiday season. Here’s to more years of friendship! ;)
(If you are wondering why I mentioned a whole lot of pictures but did not post any, it’s because EJ & Jan2 were the official photographers of the kada using their trusty DSLRs J )